Rabu, 08 April 2015

Contoh letter of order


November 15, 2011

PT. Aneka Buku        
Rawamangun, East Jakarta 98793

Subject: Book order

Dear Sir or Madam,

First, i get information your product from brochure when i attach with this letter. Would you please ship that following item from your brochure dated August 23, 2011

This adeventure book with title “Indra Anak Petualang”. Authoir Ahmad Gumelar. Publisher Wahyu Andi Ltd.

At the best price of that book Rp. 25000 with the discount 10%.

We shall appreciate you to send the book immediately to Jl. Raya Kalimatang 17821, number 27 west Bekasi. Payment will be made when the book has been received.

Yours faithfully,

Asep Taufik

Enc: Brochure dated August 23, 2011

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